Vote YES on GG to “Go Green!”

“this initiative could…help achieve Berkeley’s goal of becoming a Fossil Fuel Free City and mitigate climate change impacts”

– City of Berkeley Planning Department

“Despite the Ninth Circuit Court’s ruling, environmental activists in Berkeley have not given up…a proposed tax on natural gas use in large buildings…with the revenue directed towards electrifying homes and buildings…would provide a significant incentive to decarbonize large buildings in Berkeley.”

– Sierra Club Climate Emergency Mobilization Team

Who pays?

Refreshingly, this special tax on methane pollution from natural gas use applies only to owners of very large climate polluting buildings 15,000 square feet (equivalent to 3.2 NBA basketball courts!) or larger, not homeowners and renters.

Owners are prohibited from passing tax on to residential tenants.

Berkeley Residents Benefit

Homeowners ✔️ Renters ✔️ Restaurants ✔️ Non-profits ✔️ Businesses ✔️

This measure would generate an estimated $26.7 million per year Just Transition Fund to help all residents fight climate change, improve health, and create well-paying green jobs. Proceeds can only be used to support climate action supervised by an oversight committee.

Measure GG:

1. Provides Clean upgrades for all – homeowners, renters, restaurants, nonprofits, other businesses, and those who are taxed! Upgrades include solar, battery storage, heat pumps, ACs, induction cooktops, panel upgrades, wiring, EV charging, insulation, and more;

2. Incentivizes the largest buildings to reduce harmful methane emissions and improve air quality. Methane increases asthma risk and smog.

Reduce Berkeley’s Climate Emissions

Methane use in buildings accounts for nearly ⅓ of Berkeley’s climate emissions, but there’s currently no plan to reduce them. This measure would curb emissions and account for societal costs of burning and leaking methane. It would also fund almost the entire estimated cost to eliminate emissions from all low-rise residential buildings.

Community Over Profit

Don’t be fooled: the opponents are led by the biggest corporations and real estate interests. Measure GG is supported by doctors, City workers, environmentalists, tenants’ advocates, community.

We can fight the climate crisis and improve quality of life by taxing the largest polluters. Vote YES on GG.